Explore Our Courses
Kubiya AI for Cloud Operations
14 HoursAI for Healthcare using Google Colab
14 HoursData Visualization with Google Colab
14 HoursAlibaba Cloud Fundamentals
7 HoursMachine Learning with Google Colab
14 HoursGoogle Kubernetes Engine (GKE)
14 HoursAzure for Data Engineer
35 HoursCloud Architect
35 HoursCloud Computing Overview
7 HoursGetting Started with Consul
7 HoursFinOps
7 HoursMinIO Cloud Storage Stack
14 HoursMulticloud Computing with Morpheus
21 HoursPulumi - Infrastructure as Code
21 HoursFn Project
7 HoursParallel Programming with OpenMP
14 HoursKubeless for Developers
14 HoursOpenFaas for Developers
14 HoursKnative for Developers
14 HoursServerless Framework for Developers
14 HoursAmazon DynamoDB for Developers
14 HoursAWS CloudFormation
7 HoursAWS IoT Core
14 HoursAdvanced AWS Lambda
14 HoursAWS Lambda for Developers
14 HoursLast Updated:
회원 평가(25)
그룹 피드백이나 관심 분야에 따라 지식 공유를 적응시키는 트레이너의 유연성
Alexandru - Orange Services
Course - Advanced Terraform: Efficient Infrastructure as Code
Machine Translated
교육 세션은 매우 집중적이고 매우 잘 구성되었습니다. 에릭은 우리에게 실제 사례를 특징으로 하는 포괄적인 자료와 실습 랩을 제공하여 학습 경험을 크게 향상시켰습니다. 우리는 계획된 일정을 엄격히 준수했고 관심사와 관련 없는 섹션은 효율적으로 건너뛰었습니다. 에릭은 높은 수준의 전문성과 광범위한 전문 지식을 보여주었고, 우리의 모든 질문에 철저하고 효과적으로 대답했습니다. 이 귀중한 교육을 조직해 주셔서 대단히 감사합니다.
Course - VMware vCenter
Machine Translated
이를 통해 Terraform에 대해 제가 몰랐던 몇 가지 사실을 알게 되었습니다.
Catalin - DB Global Technology
Course - Advanced Terraform - 3 Days
Machine Translated
트레이너가 개념을 잘 이해하고 있었습니다.
Josheel - Verizon Connect
Course - Amazon Redshift
Machine Translated
연습 부분입니다.
Radu - Ness Digital Engineering
Course - AWS: A Hands-on Introduction to Cloud Computing
Machine Translated
이는 우리가 요청한 것이었고, 참여한 회사 엔지니어들의 다양한 프로필을 다루는 상당히 균형 잡힌 양의 콘텐츠와 연습이었습니다.
Arturo Sánchez - INAIT SA
Course - Microsoft Azure Infrastructure and Deployment
Machine Translated
예상보다 소재에 깊이 빠져드는 수업으로 들어갑니다. 나는 해당 주제에 능숙하지 않지만 이제 프로세스가 어떻게 작동하는지에 대한 인식을 갖추고 있습니다.
Jon - U.S. Geological Survey
Course - AWS Technical Essentials
Machine Translated
I've got to try out resources that I've never used before.
Daniel - INIT GmbH
Course - Architecting Microsoft Azure Solutions
The Exercises
Khaled Altawallbeh - Accenture Industrial SS
Course - Azure Machine Learning (AML)
트레이너님이 잘 설명해주시네요.
Cosmin Simota - Serviciul de Telecomunicații Speciale
Course - Cloud computing essentials for managers / software engineers
Machine Translated
매우 친절하고 도움이 됨
Aktar Hossain - Unit4
Course - Building Microservices with Microsoft Azure Service Fabric (ASF)
Machine Translated
The trainer was extremely knowledgable and helpful. While walking through the exercises, I wasn't rushed and was allowed to make mistakes (to a point) and then help was given to correct to them where needed.
Tim Wilkes - Gamma
Course - OpenStack Security
Deep knowledge
Akhand Raj Jaiswal - BMW
Course - Advanced Terraform
The practical part, I was able to perform exercises and to test the Microsoft Azure features
Alex Bela - Continental Automotive Romania SRL
Course - Programming for IoT with Azure
Practical part and interaction with students
Piotr Madej - EY Global Services (Poland) Sp. z o.o.
Course - Azure DevOps Fundamentals
The training was more practical
Siphokazi Biyana - Vodacom SA
Course - Kubernetes on AWS
The trainer knew exactly what they were speaking about.
Madumetsa Msomi - BMW
Course - AWS DevOps Engineers
Trainer has good knowledge over the content and answered all my queries
Shri Kant - FMG
Course - Terraform for Managing Cloud Infrastructure
There were lots of hands on examples and the walkthroughs we carefully explained.
Jeffrey Ronay - Federal Reserve Bank of SF
Course - Terraform on AWS
의사소통, 경험을 통한 지식, 문제 해결,
Marcin Walewski - Intel Technology Poland Sp. z o.o.
Course - OpenStack Bootcamp
Machine Translated
Very interactive.
Bart Lowagie - Roularta Media Group
Course - Terraform Fundamentals for Beginners
수동 서버리스 설정. 또한 Idea sls 웹 콘솔 종료도 없었습니다.
Rafał Kucharski - The Software House sp. z o.o.
Course - Serverless Framework for Developers
Machine Translated
Intractive sessions
Course - Terraform on GCP (Google Cloud Platform)
All good, nothing to improve
Ievgen Vinchyk - GE Medical Systems Polska Sp. Z O.O.
Course - AWS Lambda for Developers
IOT applications