Explore Our Courses

Advanced Apache Iceberg

21 Hours

Apache Iceberg Fundamentals

14 Hours

Big Data Consulting

21 Hours

Azure Data Lake Storage Gen2

14 Hours

IBM Datastage For Administrators and Developers

35 Hours

Python and Spark for Big Data (PySpark)

21 Hours

Data Analysis with Hive/HiveQL

7 Hours

Knowledge Discovery in Databases (KDD)

21 Hours

Apache Kylin: From Classic OLAP to Real-Time Data Warehouse

14 Hours

Dremio for Self-Service Data Analysis

21 Hours

Apache Arrow for Data Analysis across Disparate Data Sources

14 Hours

Big Data Business Intelligence for Govt. Agencies

35 Hours

From Data to Decision with Big Data and Predictive Analytics

21 Hours

Big Data Architect

35 Hours

Programming with Big Data in R

21 Hours

Big Data Storage Solution - NoSQL

14 Hours

Big Data & Database Systems Fundamentals

14 Hours

Data Science for Big Data Analytics

35 Hours

Big Data Analytics for Telecom Regulators

14 Hours

Big Data Business Intelligence for Criminal Intelligence Analysis

35 Hours

Big Data - Data Science

14 Hours

Machine Learning and Big Data

7 Hours

Sqoop and Flume for Big Data

7 Hours

Talend Big Data Integration

28 Hours

Data Vault: Building a Scalable Data Warehouse

28 Hours

Spark Streaming with Python and Kafka

7 Hours

Confluent KSQL

7 Hours

Apache Ignite for Developers

14 Hours

Unified Batch and Stream Processing with Apache Beam

14 Hours

Apache Apex: Processing Big Data-in-Motion

21 Hours

Apache Storm

28 Hours

Apache NiFi for Administrators

21 Hours

Apache NiFi for Developers

7 Hours

Apache Flink Fundamentals

28 Hours

Introduction to Graph Computing

28 Hours

Apache Spark MLlib

35 Hours

Artificial Intelligence - the most applied stuff - Data Analysis + Distributed AI + NLP

21 Hours

Hortonworks Data Platform (HDP) for Administrators

21 Hours

Apache Ambari: Efficiently Manage Hadoop Clusters

21 Hours

Impala for Business Intelligence

21 Hours

Data Virtualization with Denodo Platform

14 Hours

Apache Airflow

21 Hours

Apache Hama

14 Hours

Zeppelin for Interactive Data Analytics

14 Hours

Apache Accumulo Fundamentals

21 Hours

Apache Druid for Real-Time Data Analysis

21 Hours


28 Hours

Amazon Redshift

21 Hours

Pivotal Greenplum for Developers

21 Hours

Greenplum Database

14 Hours

Samza for Stream Processing

14 Hours

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