Explore Our Courses
Edge AI for IoT Applications
14 Hours5G and IoT
14 HoursSmart solutions for HR
7 HoursSecuring Cloud and IoT Applications
21 HoursIntroduction to IoT Using Arduino
14 HoursProgramming for IoT with Azure
14 HoursIoT Programming with C
14 HoursCloud and IoT Forensics
35 HoursIoT Programming with Java
14 HoursIoT Programming with JavaScript
21 HoursIoT Programming with PHP
14 HoursIoT Programming with Python
14 HoursIoT Security
21 HoursIoT Security Architecture
14 HoursKaa IoT
7 HoursMachine-to-Machine (M2M)
14 HoursNginx
14 HoursEdge Computing
7 HoursSetting Up an IoT Gateway with Kura
21 HoursNB-IoT for Developers
7 HoursLast Updated:
회원 평가(9)
Nginx 토론
Jodi Nugaha Firnanda - PT Artajasa Pembayaran Elektronis
Course - Nginx
Machine Translated
단순히 교육 과정을 제공하는 것이 아니라 조직의 요구 사항에 맞게 교육 과정을 조정할 수 있는 교육자의 능력입니다.
Masilonyane - Revenue Services Lesotho
Course - Big Data Business Intelligence for Govt. Agencies
Machine Translated
트레이너(어거스틴)의 입술과 인간적인 면.
Jeremy Chicon - TE Connectivity
Course - NB-IoT for Developers
Machine Translated
The training was relevant to my needs and I would be able to apply the lessons learnt to meet my challenging needs
Botshabelo Jason - Water Utilities Botswana
Course - IoT Fundamentals and Frontiers : For Managers, CXO, VP, Investors and Entrepreneurs
실제 사례와 더 넓은 맥락이 제공됩니다.
James - Mitsubishi Electric R&D Centre Europe BV (MERCE-UK)
Course - IoT Programming with Python
Machine Translated
The practical part, I was able to perform exercises and to test the Microsoft Azure features
Alex Bela - Continental Automotive Romania SRL
Course - Programming for IoT with Azure
How friendly the trainer was. The flexibility and answering my questions.
Saed El-kayed - International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC)
Course - IoT Security
James - Argent Energy
Course - Introduction to IoT Using Arduino
Machine Translated
Ann is very knowledgeable on the subject. She is constantly varying pace according to the feedback. There is a lot of room for discussing attendee's own experiences. It was a great joy !.
Sjoerd Hulzinga - KPN p/a Bloomville
Course - IoT Security Architecture
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사물인터넷 (IoT) Consulting
주말IoT (Internet of Things)코스, 밤의IoT트레이닝, IoT (Internet of Things)부트 캠프, IoT (Internet of Things) 강사가 가르치는, 주말사물인터넷 (IoT)교육, 밤의Internet of Things과정, IoT (Internet of Things)코칭, IoT강사, IoT트레이너, Internet of Things교육 과정, Internet of Things클래스, 사물인터넷 (IoT)현장, Internet of Things개인 강좌, IoT (Internet of Things)1 대 1 교육