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Advanced C++

35 Hours

C++ for Modeling Quantitative Finance

49 Hours

C/C++ Secure Coding

21 Hours

C++ for Embedded Systems

21 Hours

C++ 11 Programming

14 Hours

Writing Simpler Cleaner Code with C++ 17

7 Hours

C++, QT, ZeroMQ and Protocol Buffers

35 Hours

Using C++ in Embedded Systems - Applying C++11/C++14

21 Hours

Functional Programming with C++

14 Hours

HMI Development for Automotive Infotainment Systems

14 Hours

Introduction to LaTex

14 Hours

Advanced C++ Software Design

35 Hours

Object Oriented Programming with C++

7 Hours

Programming in C++

35 Hours

Qt Programming

21 Hours

Unreal Engine 4

21 Hours

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