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Raphael - Markit Valuations Limited
Course - Developing Desktop Applications with Visual Studio 2012, VB.NET and SQL Server 2012
Machine Translated
The trainer focused on each persons requirements for the course and tuned the material to suit our goals.
Daniel Watkins
Course - Visual Studio with VB.Net
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주말VB.NET코스, 밤의VB.NET트레이닝, VB.NET부트 캠프, VB.NET 강사가 가르치는, 주말VB.NET교육, 밤의VB.NET과정, VB.NET코칭, VB.NET강사, VB.NET트레이너, VB.NET교육 과정, VB.NET클래스, VB.NET현장, VB.NET개인 강좌, VB.NET1 대 1 교육