회원 평가(2)
It was quite hands-on, not too much theory.
David Lambaerts - Estée Lauder BV
Course - ORACLE PL/SQL Fundamentals
Very high competence of the trainer!!.
Heino Eilers
Course - Oracle 11g - Programming with PL / SQL I - Workshops
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주말PL/SQL코스, 밤의PL/SQL트레이닝, PL/SQL부트 캠프, PL/SQL 강사가 가르치는, 주말PL/SQL교육, 밤의PL/SQL과정, PL/SQL코칭, PL/SQL강사, PL/SQL트레이너, PL/SQL교육 과정, PL/SQL클래스, PL/SQL현장, PL/SQL개인 강좌, PL/SQL1 대 1 교육