Course Outline

SVN server setup

  • install the package and all dependences
  • to create one repository or several repositories with sensible location considerations, initial import, migrate from CVS and other version control systems

Fine-tune all kinds of access schemes, including http, https, svn, svn+ssh, file, specially to consider following

  • how to configure Apache modules
  • to use ssh environment variables to shorten svn+ssh:// urls
  • to define proper user databases and design complex access control list or authorization patterns
  • to integrate with LDAP / domain controller / MySQL / PAM / etc for user authentications

Configure sensible repository layout

  • each sub-project has complete tree structure such as trunk, branches and tags, suitable for sub-projects are inclusive and self-contained, not much inter-dependence, APIs of each sub-projects are stable and mature
  • all modules exist on trunk / branches and tags, suitable for a logically compact project, there exists strong coupling among modules
  • difference and benefits

Backup strategy and disaster recovery

  • backup strategy, including: native method with svn sync, third-party tools such as rsync, hot copy
  • whole repository backup vs each revision checkout or dump
  • disaster recovery
  • permanently remove files and history

Basic knowledge about managing repositories

  • normal working cycle with subversion (hand-on practices)
  • create branches and tags
  • create locks and other controls
  • design client-side tools and integrate them with IDEs
  • choose and configure repository viewing facilities
  • set general user policies, including set subversion hooks for those hard restrictions
  • design automatic check-out and build or compilation, and even automatic testing


  • Users knowledge of working with Subversion (the equivalent of the Subversion for Users course)
  • General system administration experience in the operating system(s)
  • Apache server basic knowledge
 7 Hours

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Price per participant

Testimonials (2)

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