Course Outline


  • Native applications versus progressive applications

Overview of the Mobile Development Cycle

  • JavaScript logic, CSS templates, and HTML templates

Web goes Native

  • Cross-platform 
  • Backward compatibility
  • Feature parity

Advanced Progressive Web Apps and Push Notifications

  • Push API
  • Notification API

Preparing the Development Environment

  • Coding a todo list application
  • Activating site domain to be SSL enabled
  • Installing "Advanced Progressive web app" module

Configuring the Advanced Progressive Web App

  • Creating preferences for the web application's push notifications
  • Styling the push notifications for a consistent experience
  • Adding the web application to the user's home screen

Using Service Worker for Offline Use

  • Accessing cache API
  • Customizing network requests depending on whether online or offline

Deploying the Application

  • Running the application on a mobile emulator or mobile device


  • Web application only works with the latest Web-push library version

Summary and Conclusion


  • Experience with HTML, CSS, and object-oriented JavaScript
  • An understanding of PWA's


  • Developers
 14 Hours

Number of participants

Price per participant

Testimonials (1)

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